Hello! Thanks for dropping here. Here's a hug to show my appreciation!

Please hang on there, I'll be back soon.
Photo Credit: here

Hello! Thanks for dropping here. Here's a hug to show my appreciation!
Posted by pchi at 12/04/2009 02:09:00 PM 7 comment(s)
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.Psalm 147:3
Posted by pchi at 11/29/2009 01:45:00 AM 1 comment(s)
Today, I asked a student if there's also a Thanksgiving holiday in Japan. She isn't sure but said maybe there isn't. She thinks thanksgiving is something that should be done everyday if not every minute of second.
I received this forwarded message through my mobile phone:
In a science class, the teacher asked her students to give an example of things which are countless.I thank God everyday for the food on our table, the air that I breathe, the water for my thirst, for my family's good health and protection - and so on.
One student answered:
Another one answered:
The other one answered:
The teacher noticed that everyone was participating except for one. She called his attention and asked the same question.
"What are the things which are countless?"
The student stood up and said,
Have you been counting yours recently?
Posted by pchi at 11/27/2009 12:04:00 AM 0 comment(s)
Streets are now decorated with teeming lights, Santa Claus is everywhere in town, houses and offices are decorated with pine-tree replicas and finally shops are getting busier with shoppers buying their gifts early - it's Christmas!
Christmas season always makes me happy. I always had break from school or work. There are many parties to attend and people to reunite with. There's feasting everywhere and the Spirit of Christmas makes people smile even to strangers.
This Christmas is going to be a little different. My boyfriends not in it. It's not going to be sad nevertheless. We celebrate Christmas because God came to the world to save me - now that's reason enough to be glad!
Let's countdown to Christmas!
Photo Credit: here
Posted by pchi at 11/23/2009 02:37:00 AM 1 comment(s)
I've been bugging my parents to get a passport because airplane fares have been significantly lowered recently and they can avail cheap international flights at almost any moment they want to.
Retirement is every person's ultimate dream - the type where one can enjoy life to the fullest and just spend his days to enjoy what the world can offer.
I would have wanted them to go cruising from island to island and just enjoy old age. Well, apart from being too expensive, both of my parents have to see their doctors and buy their medication regularly so it wouldn't be very convenient to be away for a long time.
I asked my mother and she said having myrtle beach accommodation is leisure enough for her. She got excited. My father likes to go anywhere as long as they are together (talk about being in love even in old age!).
I'd have to save money for such trip and stay to myrtle beach hotel. I know it doesn't come cheap but after all, myrtle beach accommodations are worth the cost.
Posted by pchi at 11/23/2009 01:52:00 AM 1 comment(s)
Labels: hotel accommodation, leisure, myrtle beach, report, travel
I want to wake up early
But I always sleep late
I am worried about my health
I'll probably suffer later
Being a night person isn't easy
I want to change
But old habits don't die simply
I have to make more effort
To break the routine
I've been all these years
Photo Credit: here
Posted by pchi at 11/20/2009 09:00:00 PM 1 comment(s)
Have you ever used Google's translation toolbar? I find it very useful because I can always get quick and free translations of web pages, documents and other web content from Spanish to English for example, Chinese to English or mostly Japanese to English.
I find it funny most of the time though. The English language has idioms, informal expressions and figurative parts of speech that would create confusion when translated directly. I guess other languages have also similar attributes. There is a significant difference too, with connotative and denotative meaning so although we could get some rough idea of the text, there are elements that are omitted or misunderstood.
If we are talking about formal and business documents, I guess there should be a need for an online translation to get the job done more efficiently.
If for example, a company is going to expand in another country a brand translation that fits in a socio-cultural context within which it occurs would be best.
Translia is a network of translators and clients. Try its free translation service today.
Posted by pchi at 11/20/2009 03:33:00 PM 1 comment(s)
Labels: brand, name, online, service, translation
Posted by pchi at 11/19/2009 09:34:00 AM 1 comment(s)
Labels: be happy, book review, harold sala, how to, marriage, problems, resolve, work
I thought of making a travel blog but I don't think I'm fit to do it yet. I haven't been anywhere except in the Philippines and Thailand. But I am dreaming of being able to visit many countries in the future, too. Well, I want to go to all but if I could only choose ten... I'd pick:
1. New Zealand
2. Australia
3. Switzerland
4. France
5. South Africa
6. Alaska/Canada
7. Southernmost part of Argentina/Chile
8. Japan
9. Spain
10. United Arab Emirates
New Zealand and Australia top my list because my boyfriend loves these places, too - something we love in common. We're hoping we can afford to go to either of these places for honeymoon. I've searched for accommodations in Auckland and accommodations in Melbourne, they're not so expensive anyway. There are cheap flights, too and many other flight fare cuts. I guess the only thing we have to worry is getting a VISA.
Anyway, we aren't getting married anytime soon. So we still have plenty of time to save and prepare.
Posted by pchi at 11/18/2009 09:00:00 PM 0 comment(s)
Labels: accommodations, Auckland, Australia, Hotels, Melbourne, New Zealand
I want my brain sharpened again! I decided to go back to school!
So far, I think that my decision is great. I guess I am going to be a lot more productive than the previous months. Getting more tasks and deadlines in my hands requires me to multitask and to do things more quickly - which in turn makes me more efficient.
Posted by pchi at 11/11/2009 12:18:00 AM 4 comment(s)
Labels: cyber schooling, distance learning, UPOU
Posted by pchi at 11/08/2009 02:55:00 AM 0 comment(s)
I've been sporting the same hairstyle for more than five years - long, straight hair. I've been wanting to change the way I look but my hairstylist refuses to make any drastic changes on my hair. My boyfriend also doesn't want me to cut my hair until our wedding day.
Posted by pchi at 11/06/2009 11:23:00 PM 1 comment(s)
If you haven't experienced being far from the people you love, you're lucky. The separation can be overwhelmingly painful! Thanks to modern technology, we can talk to our loved ones wherever they are at real-time through the internet and cellular phones.
There's still magic however with the old-fashioned letters delivered to our residential mail boxes and seeing the envelops of our letters sealed with a kiss.
I don't get letters often these days. I get letters from banks, the university where I am currently enrolled at (distance learning program), and utility bills; but I always hold my breath in excitement every time I see a stationery envelope from the mail box with my name on it.
Email messaging may be the common form of communication today but I think we still like the feeling of opening our mail boxes at night and seeing a letter addressed to our names, especially when the letter is sealed with a kiss.
Posted by pchi at 11/01/2009 07:51:00 PM 2 comment(s)
Labels: commercial, for sale, mail box, residential
Decorated pumpkins or Jack-o'-lanterns are the symbol of Halloween in most countries in the world today. This practice is said to have originated in North America although Ireland and Britain have long had the tradition of carving designs on vegetables and fruits.
There are many versions of the folklore about Jack and the pumpkin lantern. But they don't matter now. People carve pumpkins just for fun during the Halloween. I guess people can carve any design on it as long as it looks scary enough. Here's a site I found that gives tips on how to carve a pumpkin.
Posted by pchi at 10/31/2009 10:27:00 AM 0 comment(s)
Labels: carving, design, halloween, Jack O lantern, means, pumpkin, what it
Posted by pchi at 10/28/2009 02:52:00 PM 3 comment(s)
Labels: courses, doctors, medical, teacher, teaching, training
Posted by pchi at 10/28/2009 02:28:00 PM 1 comment(s)
Social networking sites, forums, discussion boards, blogs, messengers, emails - these are just some of the many ways to connect to people across the globe.
They've changed the way many of us lived. I don't feel the day is complete without checking my gmail, yahoomail, twitter, facebook, multiply, blogspot, skype, ym (the list goes on) accounts. But sometimes, they can be stressful because they demand so much of our time.
Last year, when I still didn't have a full-time job and I only had the part-time work tutoring Japanese people online at night, I had all the time to update this blog, connect to other bloggers, check my emails, respond to almost every comment and messages in my chat box, acknowledge all requests... I enjoyed everything.
I get so lazy responding to every comment, every request... it takes so much of my time.
Since I started FaceBook last February, I got hooked with its accompanying games, quizzes and other applications, as well as connecting to other people in my contact list.
Now, I am tired with it as well. I realize I have more things to do than check all my online accounts. I want to break-free from my addiction to it.
I hope to be able to update this blog regularly and hopefully create a new one. I keep saying these days and I hate myself for repeating my self every time but not being able to do what I say.
Posted by pchi at 10/28/2009 01:56:00 AM 0 comment(s)
Labels: blog, discussion boards, email, facebook, forum, multiply, social networking sites, twitter
Documents are part of our everyday lives. We make, read, print or send them to people every now and then.
When I was in college, we were required to make reports in PDF formats, that way the documents are read-only and cannot be altered by any other person.
I was surprised when I saw a software that can convert pdf to word because I only know of word to pdf conversions.
It also isn't too expensive and can be used for two years with full technical support. I wonder if I would need one in the future. At least, I can always check this pdf software again.
Posted by pchi at 10/19/2009 11:27:00 AM 1 comment(s)
No matter how beautiful the pictures, how descriptive the words, how vivid the imagery, there's nothing more satisfying than experiencing it yourself using all your senses.
See it. Smell it. Taste it. Touch it. Hear it.
Traveling allows one to embrace the culture, to get mesmerized by the surroundings, captured by the enthralling beauty of scenic spots, enjoy how local people live.
I was there in Thailand for a week and I want to visit more places, even places in my own country. I'll do this while I'm still free and unattached because when I get married, I'll probably have more important priorities.
Anyway, here are my pictures of my recent trip to Bangkok.
Posted by pchi at 10/10/2009 10:23:00 AM 5 comment(s)
Labels: advantages, insights, travel, why, world
I get more depressed everyday when I check this blog. I haven't written in a long time, my statistics is dropping significantly day by day.
I wrote many drafts. I want to shout in despair. I want to cry in desperation. Why am I having a difficult time writing anything to express myself.
Typhoon 'Ondoy' (Ketsana) came to the Philippines. It was one of the biggest calamities I have ever seen in my life. I was quiet. I was grieving in my heart but I couldn't put it into words.
I lost a part of myself and I don't know how to get that back.
I can't write anything. Writing is supposed to be an expression of myself.
I can't find 'me'.
Posted by pchi at 10/07/2009 12:47:00 AM 3 comment(s)
Labels: depression, despair, desperation
I am so sorry guys! I haven't updated this blog for a long time. I hope to write soon after I finish my job tonight.
Here's one of my pictures in Thailand.
Posted by pchi at 10/01/2009 07:38:00 PM 1 comment(s)
I have been busy getting around Bangkok and its neighboring cities since Friday but unfortunately
my sister's internet connection at her apartment has been down since I came here so I could not update you about my trip.
I've been missing my parents, my boyfriend and my students in RareJob as well. I am actually quite sad I'll be leaving Thailand in a few days. I am absolutely loving it here. I'll tell you why next time.
Thank you for coming here!
Posted by pchi at 9/14/2009 11:15:00 AM 0 comment(s)
Labels: Bangkok, expect, getting around, local life, rarejob, Thailand, what
I can't believe how cruel the real world is! It has started on dawn on me. The world is so full of people who intend to do harm to others.
My parents sheltered me from all forms of harm inflicted by others. I was lovingly protected, shielded from any form of threat, violence or unkind words. Now that I am now an adult myself, I realize that my rosy view of the world need to change.
I've always learned to try to see the beautiful, good side of people. Although I don't trust so easily, I try to give them the benefit of the doubt. But guess what, I have to grow up!
I am living in a real world... time to look at the world in a different light.
Posted by pchi at 9/10/2009 11:16:00 AM 0 comment(s)
I'll be off from work for about a week (or two?) . I'll be going to Bangkok in a few days. I am now learning basic Thai so I can at least get around the city by myself.
Please help me pray for a safe trip. Thank you
Posted by pchi at 9/07/2009 11:44:00 PM 3 comment(s)
Labels: notes
What do I say?
I have nothing new to share
I don't know if it's some sort of drought
I just couldn't find anything to say.
Posted by pchi at 9/03/2009 12:31:00 AM 1 comment(s)
Don't you get paranoid with the constant threat of viruses, malwares, spywares, trojans, phishing and other unknown malicious codes in your computer?
I am. I do banking transactions online, use Ebay and Paypal and I store most of my important documents and pictures in my email. What if somebody gets access to my PayPal or bank accounts and withdraws my money or use my account in Ebay to do to any kind of fraud of deception? What about theft identity? I could go on and the list would be endless. This is the real world and there are just people who want to inflict harm to others.
To solve my dilemma, I decided to invest in a good quality anti-virus and internet security software system.
I think it is also important for parents to have parental control over what kinds of sites their children can browse or visit. It's also useful if the anti-spyware software can block phishing sites. I haven't decided which anti-virus to use but I think Zsecurity is a good option. The customer support is excellent and many users have proven that the product is indeed effective.
Posted by pchi at 8/30/2009 11:57:00 PM 0 comment(s)
Labels: anti-phishing, anti-virus, internet, malware, security, software, system
I want my life to be
plain and simple
no pretensions
few lies
no extravagance
We are never sure
when our lives will be over
I want to be prepared for that day
I want to meet my Creator
I need to invest my time for things that last for eternity.
Posted by pchi at 8/29/2009 05:44:00 PM 0 comment(s)
Two prime functions of a home are shelter and security. We live in a home where we can do anything we need and want to do and feel safe whenever we are in it.
However, due to the increase of crime rates, it's hard to feel entirely secure and safe even within the bounds of our own homes, even with a home security.
Recently, I have been thinking of installing a Home Security Surveillance System at home. My folks are both old now, and I have no training whatsoever in self-defense. It's not being paranoid but being careful and doing precautionary measures to lessen if not avoid threats of attacks, burglary or accidents.
I've been looking for an easy-to-use and affordable home security system. I found Advanced Direct Security but it's only available in the US. I have to find a local one.
Posted by pchi at 8/29/2009 04:46:00 PM 1 comment(s)
Labels: ADT, home, insurance, monitoring, security, surveillance, system
Forgive my silence for a long time. You just don't know what I have been through.
I am happy to announce that I just turned a year older. I celebrated my birthday last August 26.
It was a bittersweet moment for me. There were many things running in my head, but were hard to express in words. I was very grateful for all the undeserved blessings and regretful for all the wrong decisions I have made, which I have no chance to redo or undo.
Let me tell you a bad news; A week before my birthday, I lost a big sum of money. Don't ask me how much or what happened because I won't tell you. I just couldn't believe how everything was so blurry, so fast, I couldn't exactly recall the details.
It was a big loss for me since I worked so hard to earn that money but it just disappeared so quickly. But there were so many things I was able to reflect and realize because of it, which I believe, God allowed to happen so I can ponder on them.
I would have been so disappointed but how could I? All I could see around me are blessings and unmerited favor from the Almighty.
I am still able to behold and the beauty of the world. I can see faces of people and beautiful sceneries; I can read without any need for glasses or contact lenses. I didn't lose my sense of sight. I can still see.
I am still able to hear the sound of cars' engines, listen to my favorite comedian's wacky comments on TV and listen to my boyfriend whine about how painful it is for his eyes to gaze transfixed at the computer for a long time. Although the ENT doctor said that I am moderately deaf on right ear, I didn't lose my sense of hearing. I can still hear.
Imagine if I had an accident where I could be crippled, debilitated, or detained in bed for days or years. If that happens, I might not be able to walk or move my body. I just lost a certain amount of money but I didn't lose my mobility. I can still walk. I can still move.
Imagine if I got terribly sick, it would be too difficult for me or for my family. I don't know how it would feel like, but as for now, I am healthy, I have no sickness. I am blessed. I am thankful.
I didn't lose my job. I can still work. I can earn money and get so much more.
To add, here's what my boyfriend has to say:
"What else do you have to ask for? You have the love of your family; good health; a good job and best of all, you have me, your best husband to be."
Posted by pchi at 8/29/2009 01:09:00 PM 0 comment(s)
It's weekend and I don't feel like doing anything.
I can't think of anything to write here.
I am under the spell of laziness again.
I just want to sleep and do nothing.
Good luck to me.
Posted by pchi at 8/14/2009 04:48:00 PM 2 comment(s)
Labels: notes
Thirty-one days more to go and I'm off to visit the exotic city of Krung Thep, popularly known as Bangkok.
I've always been interested in Thailand. It is the only country in southeast Asia that had not been colonized by any western country, where a mixture of cultural and traditional influences of its neighboring countries and its own abound and are preserved, but also embraced the modernization of our global world.
Thailand is the country where we can find the most devout Buddhists and their temples. Elephants are both a tourist attraction and a means of transportation. We also hear of their tuk-tuks (three-wheeled taxi for short distances) and bargain centers for shopping.
I grabbed a local airline promo last May and was able to get round-trip tickets for flights this September. I paid $96 all-in, including the basic fare, taxes and airport fees. However, I didn't know then that September is the rainiest month of the year in Bangkok and this city has the worst traffic jam and pollution in the world (according to travel guides I've read when I tried to search the internet on what to expect when in Bangkok).
But hey, I am still excited. I am going to visit my sister there. I hope God gives me a favor by granting me a safe and enjoyable trip.
Posted by pchi at 8/08/2009 09:11:00 PM 8 comment(s)
Labels: Bangkok, expect, guide, notes, Thailand, travel, what
There are so many things to say,
too many unspoken words
It's hard to start
Jumbled thoughts in disarray
Posted by pchi at 8/06/2009 01:49:00 AM 3 comment(s)
Work at home
Life's sweets and spices
Mommy's Little corner
Moms, check nyo
The modern mom
A simple life
Yummy as can be
Life's tricky situations
Take a coffee break
Thank you.
Posted by pchi at 8/06/2009 01:09:00 AM 0 comment(s)
Labels: top 10 EC droppers
1. Have a short vacation with friends in a beautiful island.
2. Learn how to design a website - the savvy way
3. Read my grammar book again.
4. Leave comments in my friends' blogs
5. Improve diction, accent and pronunciation.
6. Cook for my mother's birthday
7. Be with my boyfriend
8. Clean the whole house
9. Read the books I bought
10. Watch a movie
11. Tell someone about God
12. Edit this blog's layout
13. Bring my father to the doctor for a check-up
14. Buy a microwave oven
15. Learn how to bake
16. Apply for foreign scholarships
17. Meet my relatives in Manila
18. Have a conference call with my sisters over Skype
19. Get a full body massage
20. Sleep
Good night everyone!
Posted by pchi at 7/28/2009 01:06:00 AM 7 comment(s)
Posted by pchi at 7/27/2009 03:37:00 AM 0 comment(s)
Labels: buying guide, footwares, sandals, shoes, shop.
Posted by pchi at 7/27/2009 03:14:00 AM 2 comment(s)