Pchi is offline for four or five days now.
Don't worry. I will attend to the tags, messages, comments, ex-links requests, EC drops you left here.
Details will be featured in my next blog posts.
I am not tired, bored or exhausted. I just couldn't find time to blog, visit and drop at your site these days.
Ex. I've been busy with family errands and house chores and a new day job.
I will return - McArthur
Read me!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Posted by pchi at 10/31/2008 12:09:00 AM 9 comment(s)
Labels: notes
Event organizing, help!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
A few weeks more... it's December!
Now, that's a lot of parties and celebrations to attend to.
But what if, you're the event organizer? What do you do? Have you planned in advance the program and set of activities? How about the working committees? Who's going to make the invitations, decorations and backdrops, prepare the food, costumes, et cetera.
I've been there, done that. As a vice president for the youth group organization in our church for many years, I've always been asked to lead, organize or help the working committees for Thanksgiving celebrations, youth group outings, church beach picnics, concerts, Christmas parties, even birthday, debut, wedding, dedication celebrations to some, and burial to others. As a Sunday School teacher for children (two-ten years old), we also have to make our own presentations, and surely that's what kids are most excited about.
The task as events organizer can be daunting; if you don't know where to find decorations, backdrops, or other visual effects. You have to keep track of the everything from planning to execution. The sponsors, guest list, catering, reception, speakers, performers, sound system, lighting and many more. Of course, you all have to book them in advance so planning is the key. You also have to consider the budget. Tap people who can greatly assist you. Get all the help you can. It should be a group effort.
Now, we're starting to meet for the Christmas and Thanksgiving celebration parties, and musical presentations. May God guide and bless our endeavors.
Posted by pchi at 10/25/2008 07:45:00 AM 22 comment(s)
Labels: celebrations, decorations, displays, events, organizing, parties, planning, presentations, trade show
What's next in hypermedia technology?
Friday, October 24, 2008
Fingers on the keyboard; eyes transfixed on the monitor.
Click. Click. Click. Clack. Clack. Clack.
How's the hypermedia technology changing your lifestyle?
The hypermedia technology has been man's best friend. PC applications, softwares, mobile products and services, the Internet and other forms of hypermedia have been making people's life easier. Many people have compiled a litany of its benefits and surely many of us are hooked; even addicted so some extent.
How many days can you survive without your PC and Internet connection?
Information. Communication. Entertainment. Shopping. Building relationship and communities. Earning money. These are just few of the many things we can do on-line.
What aspects of the Internet are very useful?
what aspects are detrimental and have negative effects on us?
What are the innovations that you hope to see about hypermedia in the future?
As an observer, I just couldn't help thinking how it will be like ten, twenty or fifty years from now. If we look back, many things happened in the span of 30-40 years.
I am excited but a little apprehensive. The world is getting smaller and smaller. People from other parts of the world can pry at what I am doing or at which specific coordinate axis on earth's surface am I sitting, or standing or lying. Even if I am not doing anything wrong, the fact that satellites can track me down... pinpoint me at any time gives me jitters. I have nowhere to hide.
Seriously, what's next?
Posted by pchi at 10/24/2008 02:00:00 AM 12 comment(s)
Labels: future, hypermedia, personal, random, thoughts
Dreaming of a Mansion
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I want a house with a wide floor area where children can run around; a spacious garden filled with flowers and ornamental plants. I want a landscaped yard where I can read a good book under the shade of fruit trees while my kids are playing. I want a vineyard where I can pick fresh and organic vegetables. I want a house with a library, music studio, swimming pool, jacuzzi, and a home theater system. I want my house to have intricate and creative design. I want a simple yet elegant mansion painted in white and yellow. I want a fully furnished house with paintings, accessories and modern furnitures.
My brother and boyfriend are both civil engineers. I have architect friends as well. They could always at anytime draw my dream mansion and design it according to my wishes. I am just not so sure if I will be able to build and bring it to completion.
I've always dreamed of being an interior designer. I want to personally pick my own pieces of designer furnitures for the living room, Italian furnitures for the dining room and contemporary furnitures for the library, music studio and home theater. I want the master bedroom to be especially crafted with bedroom furnitures that would be very ideal for my relaxation as well as private intimate moments with my husband.
Oh, before I forget to tell you, I want my mansion built in a beautiful island like Samal, Bohol, Palawan, Bahamas, or Malibu, California. Yes, I am dreaming. But who knows, it might come true one day.
I love staying at home. I am a family oriented person. My heart is where my home is. A house is not a home without the family. I want a home where love abounds above all material things. In reality, I just want a home with my loving family on it.
How about you? Tell me about your dream house.
Posted by pchi at 10/21/2008 03:46:00 PM 18 comment(s)
Labels: dreams, furniture store, house, mansion
Introspection and other musings
It is a kind of inward struggle.
You want to prove your worth
decided to make your plans work
to show it;
yet somehow,
in the middle of it all
you get lost
you grasp for motivation to do good,
to be able to serve
to make other people happy
you find all the reasons to do so;
yet here you are
wondering if you ever did anything right in your entire life
In case I'd die today
Am I ready?
I have a feeling
I've always thought
I wouldn't live that long
It is with this reason
I face each day with great expectations
and a thankful heart
I always think, what if this night is my last?
Tomorrow, if I wake up
I'd be thankful for another day
Thank God for another chance, another day
I've always believed
Life here on earth is transitory
A bridge from here to eternity
We're strangers, aliens on a journey
There's a place beyond, a place full of glory
When I get so anxious about making a living
When other people get my attention
But refuse to bow down and pray
Read text messages, emails and comment responses
But ignoring to read my Scriptures
I realize I hadn't been investing my time wisely
What happens to me on judgment day?
How about you?
Are you building your house in eternity
with hays, straws and wood
or with gold, silver, costly stones?
I hope you are doing a better job than me
Posted by pchi at 10/21/2008 01:37:00 AM 5 comment(s)
Day off.... and back
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Hi friends! thanks for taking time to visit me here.
I might not be able to return your visits soon, 'cause I am exhausted. The early morning sleeping habit is taking a toll in my health. I need time off from my PC.
will be back to visit you soon
Have a nice day!
Thanks for leaving me comments and wishing me well. As of 23:43 PM (Manila, PH), October 18, 2008... I am back to blogging again.
It seems the stress and exhaustion I felt was due to pre-menstrual syndrome I have every month. Now, I am refreshed and energized again.
I will be posting my next article in the next few hours.
Posted by pchi at 10/15/2008 11:58:00 PM 19 comment(s)
Fight stress, have a laugh!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Life is hard, but we can make it lighter by changing our attitude. Have a good laugh! Humor is the best antidote to stress.
Click the links below and you'll surely burst out laughing
Funny Cartoons
Stand-up Videos
Reader's Digest has made a name for itself for the wacky and hilarious jokes submitted to the magazine by its readers. In fact, my family had been an avid subscriber of the Readers Digest. Until now, my father had kept copies of the magazines from 1988-1995. After that, we subscribed to AsiaWeek and Time as well, but Readers Digest has always been my personal favorite. What's good about the magazine is that the features are not time bound. The stories and articles, especially the tips and advices are still relevant even if they were written 20 years ago.
I am happy that finally, I can access the RD Laughs Main and Funny Cartoons online for free without paying for subscription. As an English tutor, I help my students learn English. Sometimes I give them a reading material to enrich their vocabulary. For advance learners, I usually recommend health related articles from Readers Digest.
Good news, ReadersDigest.com Widgets can be added to any site or blog; like this word power widget:

Posted by pchi at 10/14/2008 07:22:00 PM 4 comment(s)
Labels: readers digest, relaxation tips, stress buster, widgets
Sound of Music: Be careful you might be exposing yourself to the dangers of hearing loss
Depending on how you take care of your ears, and how loud you listen to your "music", listening to digital media like MP3s, MP4, MP5, IPODs, cellphone media players for a long time can cause serious damage to you and your hearing capability. Well, the effect is sometimes gradual and you might not notice, but slowly and silently your cochlea, basilar membrane and those hair cells (cilia) that enable you to receive sound signals might get damaged because of constant exposure to loud and not so loud music.
I am alarmed because when I am riding a public transportation, I often get across youngsters (like me, lol) who listen to the music through to their cellphones, and even if I am a meter away from them, I could actually hear the songs blasting escaping out from their headsets!
In my calculation, if they go on like that, three or four months later, they're deaf!
You don't believe me? Go see a doctor, or more appropriately an ENT (ear-nose-throat) specialist.
I got hooked with this trend once too! I use to put on my earphone on my left ear (I sleep on the right side) as I am about to sleep. It soothes my mood and makes me relaxed. One night however, I noticed that my right ear can hear even volume level one (that is, in the dead of the night) but my left ear can't! It can hear the background noises, like the bass beats or maybe those that are low frequency waves but the high frequency sound waves I completely cannot hear especially the monotone. So I started to get disturbed and finally sought a doctor to explain what happened.
Upon careful examination, the doctor told me that cilia (those hair cells found inside the ears) looked trampled and damaged. He referred me to go to a laboratory to check if I had some hearing loss, if it was severe or not, or if they can still be reversed. He told me he is very alarmed because in a month, he has been receiving complaints from clients who have lost a certain degree of their hearing and is saddened by the fact, that one promising maritime engineering student had to drop out of school because he of total hearing loss. He cited that the reason for the hearing loss of that person was his day-in and day-out exposure to an MP3 player.
I don't have problems with everyday conversations. My right ear is normal after all. As for my left ear, it's moderately deaf and the damage done can never be reversed. All I can do now is to prevent further complications. Good thing, I discovered it early... Thank God.
Writing this post I could still hear the reminder of the doctor, "please take good care of your ears now, or people might whisper in front of you without you knowing 'sus kasayang, gwapa unta bungol lang' (oh, how tragic, she' s pretty but she's deaf).
Disclaimer: There might be other factors too like noise pollution from other sources
Posted by pchi at 10/14/2008 04:00:00 PM 0 comment(s)
Labels: dangers, digital media, hearing loss, mp3, music, sounds, too much
Reconciling idealistic writing and doing sponsored reviews
I joined the bandwagon of bloggers trying to earn some money online. If you are a regular visitor, you might have noticed that I started making sponsored posts. I just started accepting paid posts opportunities last week. I am saving for a vacation trip abroad for my already retired parents. It is costly and I'd like to give this to my parents before I get married; or that was what I thought was the reason for doing so.
I love reading, writing and talking. I am not the talkative type, but I enjoy conversations and reading meaningful thoughts from people; even the seemingly mundane ones.
So, all these blogging experience is making me happy. I got acquainted with people who live both far and within reach, shared my life with people and peeked into other people's minds.
Enter paid post opportunities.
Suddenly, you mind all the statistics - daily visits, alexa rank, technorati authority, etc. You get addicted to checking your email, because there might be opportunities and you have to check often; otherwise other people will be able to grab it before you do. You start dropping entrecards like a master... and endure the time take it takes to load all the pages of 300 sites, you're allowed to drop in a day. You join more and more communities and enter your site into blog directories to improve your popularity and authority.
Now, you're not even thinking of interesting posts to write on your blog because you're so absorbed with the idea of earning and winning more and more bids for sponsored posts.
That's what happened to me... to some extent.
Personally, I don't like getting across a blog with so many advertisements like it's solely put up to generate income. I am sorry but I get the feeling that I am underestimated as a reader. It's the same feeling I get when I watch a television show when 70% of the time, I see a TV commercial. I have nothing against these bloggers, they are just trying to monetize and earn more money.
Since I am into this business myself now, I feel guilty somehow of violating my personal preferences; that's why I have set some rules for myself.
- No conflict of interest.
This means I will not do reviews related to casino, alcohol, tobacco, or sexually suggestive sites, products, or services or any other related things against my ideals/views
- Just honest and truthful opinions.
If I need to be more creative, I will look for a way to relate that product/service to something truthful in my life or experience. If I could not find a way to do that, then I should not take that opportunity. Other people might be able to do a better job than me.
- It should be natural.
When my pagerank increased, I noticed people coming to my site from google looking for some answers to their questions perhaps. Were my entries benefial? Sometimes, I feel guilty when I think people might across my page looking for something and they couldn't find any!
I should not be personally be affected by that. I am not. After all, I am just here to share my opinions. Writing enables me to speak the language of my soul. I am here for its mere expression. Whether my posts are helpful or not, I'll keep writing... who knows someday I might be able to share some things that are really very helpful.
P.S. I didn't realize it would be this long. I was just thinking of doing 3-5 lines but whoa! Sorry :-)
Posted by pchi at 10/14/2008 12:55:00 PM 12 comment(s)
Labels: paid posts, personal, writing
To be single or couple?
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Whenever I think so, I’d always counter my own thoughts. I realized my life has never been the same with my boyfriend for two years now. Even though it’s a little complicated, it is worth it. Being in the right relationship has made me happier; not that I was unhappy and depressed when I was alone, but sharing my life with somebody has made it lighter and more meaningful. The sorrows, burden, anxiety were divided while joy is multiplied by a hundred percent. It is just a wonderful feeling to be in love and securely know that you are being loved. It’s not the wonder of the feeling but the feeling it begets.
Life is better when it is shared. You are I, we were made for relationships. Two is better than one. When one falls down, the other one picks him up. Nothing beats knowing that whatever problem you will face, there is always somebody sharing it with you. So even if the future is gloomy, even when strong bleak winds start to blow you away, there’s a hand that holds you firm, eases your fears and dries your tears away.
Time and time again, we fail. We make mistakes. We stumble on even the littlest obstacles on our way. We need somebody to support and encourage us; somebody to constantly cheer us up, somebody who tells us, “You can do it, I believe in you… you can fly, mount up your wings and soar high.”
In my deepest grief, most fatal failures, when I was my ugliest… my boyfriend was there to encourage me. He was my strength when I was frail and had trouble standing up on my own… he believed that I can make all my dreams come true. He prayed for my success and rejoiced every time I triumphed. I look back and am grateful to God for giving me somebody as wonderful and kind as my boyfriend. I have no regrets in committing my life with him, and I always tell him… “I know I can live without you, but it will not going to be as meaningful and as happy if you were in it.” I just don’t want to imagine how my life is without him. Let me clarify though, being in a relationship is not always happy. You are not in cloud nine everyday. The other person has faults and flaws as well. Sometimes, he forgets his promises and at times I feel taken for granted. I've been hurt a lot of times... and there were many sacrifices I had to make... as well as sufferings to endure. It is impossible to love without getting hurt in the process.
In life we go through many phases. We go through a lot of transitions. If you are single now and happy, be thankful for it. If you are in a relationship or marriage in trouble… consider if you can endure it or say good bye to it. If you are single and want someone to be with… well, start looking. It is hard to find that person if you are only at home. Meet new people everyday. Go out. Go on a travel. Join communities. Indulge yourself in a new hobby… anything that would allow you to meet more people. Try online dating sites. True.com for example, makes sure that you will have a safe online dating experience. They also give tips to improve your chances of bumping into the “right one”. Just sign up and search for free! Who knows, you might meet him/her there.
As you try to search for your partner let me give you some piece of thoughts:
- Don't pursue a relationship unless you are ready and prepared for it.
- Sincerely pray for wisdom and direction.
- Guard your heart. Don’t let your heart fall for someone right away. Don’t let the giddy emotions cloud your decision. If you are head over heels in love, it might obscure the fact that the person is a poor choice for you. Test your compatibility.
- Let circumstances guide you in finding that person. You will weed out through many frogs before you find your true prince or princess but don't let that deter you in finding him or her.
- Don't be idle while searching/waiting. Get busy. Find a good stable job or if still in school pursue your studies first.
- Have a realistic expectation of life and love. Love takes time to grow so you need to be patient.
- Don’t worry, God has a plan for your life and be excited on how he will work out His plan for you… and how he will craft your own love story. Just get ready and prepare your self for the thrill.

Posted by pchi at 10/12/2008 09:26:00 AM 12 comment(s)
Labels: dating, love, online, relationships, true
Nine suggestions for building better relationships with people
Friday, October 10, 2008
Most job ads require people skills as a must-have for applicants. Businesses need people who can sales talk and persuade people to buy their product. Universities and schools need teachers who can motivate students to learn. Corporate companies recognize that good management is rarely possible without it. IT industry isn't even exempted. Software developers need to work as a team to get the project done and someone has to talk to the client how he wants his system developed.
Whatever industry you belong, chances are good interpersonal skills are cutting edge for promotion and personal fulfillment.
Interpersonal skill is not only for work. Most importantly, we need it to build connection with people, make friends and build foundations for relationship. The reason for this is explained by the old adage, "No man is an island." People are social individuals who need to connect to other individuals. People were created for relationship.
But, if you are a little challenged in this area and think that this is your waterloo, you are finding it hard to make friends with people, or has been having difficulty talking to people while dating, or maybe you're already good at it but want to further improve it, let me offer you some suggestions how.
- If you are thinking that you're too ordinary to be be interesting, stop that mentality and learn ways to improve your personality. If you are thinking that you are not interesting enough to be friends with, chances are people will get that message and will believe so. Learn to like yourself.
- Sure, you're no Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie but it's never about good looks. It's how you carry yourself! It's how you show people you can shine if you want to. Be confident. Some people have shallow and immature minds they assess people according to outside appearance, don't mind them. Don't let them hinder you in finding that person who will see your true worth.
- When talking and meeting face to face, over the phone, or emails show genuine interest. It's human nature to be selfish but be sincere at all times. Listen when they talk and ask questions. Don't just blab about your life. Otherwise, they will realize you'd rather befriend yourself than another person.
- Sometimes, because of modern day pressures, people are too tired to talk or respond to us. Don't feel bad. Don't take things too personally. Be considerate. They might have been going through a hard time, or are busy. Give them and room to move about freely without you.
- Allow room for mistakes. Since perfection is impossible for humans, allow people to make mistakes sometimes. Who doesn't make one? If you make mistakes say sorry and accept the consequences of your actions.
- Be kind. Just because you have a bad day doesn't mean you have all the right to shout at people and treat them ill. Everybody is fighting a hard battle everyday. Think of situations in the other person's perspective.
- Accept people as they are. Celebrate the differences! There is a difference between ignoring and celebrating the difference. If you ignore it, there will come a time when you have to deal with it. Realize that each person is unique.
- Once, a student complained to me that he's really struggling to make friends with people. He is exceptionally genius with high IQ and he finds it hard to connect with people. He says it's hard to connect because he goes for intellectual stuffs like Physics and Philosophy but ordinary people don't like talking about these. In this case, we need to establish and find something in common. Seek to understand first before being understood.
- Don't expect a person to meet all your needs. If dating or married, people tend to rely on their partners to give them everything they want. But your spouse isn't God, in the long run you will realize that they are areas in your life that your partner cannot fully give or share. He/she might be struggling in that area as well. Have other set of friends, join a community, keep a close communication with your family. But there's always a God-vacuum in the hearts of men that only God can meet. There's a longing that only God can quench.
I am sure, there other more things I haven't discussed... but we all know these, they're pretty basic. We just need to be reminded sometimes.
Have more to add? Leave me a comment and I will add your suggestions here. Feel free to react, disagree if you want too. I am open to your opinions.
Posted by pchi at 10/10/2008 03:52:00 PM 8 comment(s)
Labels: build relationships, communication, how to, interpersonal, make friends, people, skills
Thank you
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Nothing beats the feeling of being awarded by fellow bloggers. It means they see the value of your influence, they know the worth of your words, and they appreciate the sweetness of your friendship.
To date, I have already received these awards from my friends:
Kadamo Award: Lissa
Perfect Blend of friendship award: Iceah
I love your blog: Iceah and Chuchie
Kick Ass Blogger Award: Rose, Lou, Berry, Pastilan, Iceah, and Story the Great
ArteYPico: Rose
Brillante WebLog - Iceah
Kind Blogger: Rose
Awesome site award : Rose
Butterly award: Rose and Siella
I also received roses. Flowers always make me happy
White rose: Lou
Red rose: Berry
Now, I received another great awards from friends
Butterfly award from Jemade, Siella, Rose
Creative award from Kikamz
Rules for the Butterfly Award for the Coolest Blog I know:
- After accepting this award, put the logo on your blog.
- Add a link to the person who awarded you.
- Nominate 10 other blogs.
- Add links to those blogs on yours.
- Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
Rules for the Kreativ Award
- The winner may put the logo on his or her blog.
- Put a link to the person you got the award from.
- Nominate five blogs.
- Put links to the blogs.
- Leave a message to the nominees.
Awardees for the Coolest blog awards are:
Berry, Iceah, Gem, Pastilan, Lou, Rose, (hmmm... will add later :-) many things to do
Posted by pchi at 10/09/2008 02:57:00 PM 5 comment(s)
Gender Equality: are we getting there yet?
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I am a Christian. I believe in creation. I believe God created the universe and formed man by His own image and breathed life into him. We call that man Adam.
Adam had everything... the skies, the seas, the plants and animals... everything submitted under his authority. He ruled the world; he had the power over every other creature... and yet, he was lonely. He needed somebody to share his life with; someone who can share his joys, sorrows and successes, someone his equal...
So God made him sleep and while he was lying unconscious, God took a part of his rib and formed a woman. The woman was beautiful and he fell in love with her. She fell inlove with him too! So God officiated the first wedding ceremony ever between Adam and Eve.
God and man had a special relationship;but man disobeyed God and so sin entered the world. As a result, Adam had to till the land and work hard to support his family, and Eve had to endure the pains of childbirth. In between the man and the woman, since thereon, had enmity and power struggle.
I've read somewhere that the woman was not taken from Adam's head... so he will not rule over him, not on his heels... so he won't put her under him... but God took a part of Adam, from his side... so that they will go together hand-in-hand.
There was a period during the patriarchal society when men treat their wives as slaves not as partners. Now, women are gaining more grounds in their role in the society. Women are now empowered, in fact, some men admit that women are powerful if they want to be.
Women can have jobs that were dominated by males in the earlier centuries or decades. In fact, Margaret Thatcher ruled United Kingdom for many years and the Philipine's current president is a woman.
Men are also actively participating in child rearing and parenthood in our modern society. Some even stay at home to care for the kids while the mother works. My father was my babysitter. He lost his job and ability to find another one when he had a vehicular accident that claimed his sense of hearing. He took care of me and played the supposed role of my mother. But, I think this is very difficult especially because it's against male pride.
In buses, women have their fair share of standing. Because men regard women as "equals" now, they don't offer their seats for ladies anymore. Although this is fine with me I would be greatly thankful if a gentleman would offer his seat for me. After all, women wear high heels and are physically weaker. But not in all sense. Women are emotionally strong and we thrive in different areas of life.
How about you, do you think men and women can ever be equal? Is it possible? Are we there yet?
After getting Berry's reaction I've added this:
I think men and women are really different. Physically, emotionally, intellectually and socially. We have different strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes, it's hard to guess why the other sex is behaving differently against how we want them to be. Because we were designed and wired differently. If we have the same strengths and weaknesses, wouldn't it be boring? We wouldn't need each other for support... because we would be fine even without the other. Although yes, we can be independent and single... I still think that men and women were suppose to compliment each other in many ways.
So, let my rephrase my question... Do men and women have equal job opportunities these days or are there still discrimination issues? Do men and women have the same social, economic, spiritual and political rights especially in the area where you live?
Let me hear your thoughts.... and let's hope for equal recognition of our abilities.
Related Topics:
Men and their emotions, why are we so intrigued?
Love and other emotions that move us
Posted by pchi at 10/07/2008 12:39:00 AM 25 comment(s)
Labels: creation, culture, equality, gender, issues, matriarchy, patriarchy
Confronting life's issues squarely
Friday, October 3, 2008
I can remain silent...
I can shut my eyes and pretend I don't see anything
I can cover my ears and act like I don't hear a thing
I am happy after all, I am blessed, I am content
When you see people suffer, what do you do?
When somebody's life shatters hopelessly, what do you say?
when people are being victimized, how do you react?
Do you cringe in rage, rejoice or feel sympathy and say
how pity...
That's it? How pity...
To feel pity is the same as being apathetic if we don't do something
Words of consolation and encouragement are good
Putting it in action is better
I don't want to be rich
I don't want to be genius
I'd rather be simple and unsophisticated
I'd rather be ordinary
Than to be haughty and proud
Looking down on people because they are "lesser" fortunate
I hate it when people judge people
When we give out our opinions even without actually listening to the other person's point of view
I desist gossip and rumor-mongers who do nothing but destroy other people's reputation
Even if the gossip is true?
Who are we to throw stones
If another person makes mistakes
do we have the right to humiliate him or mock at him?
Are we faultless? Are we saints?
Are we incapable of erring?
I'm zealous against people who discriminate other people
just because they look better
they are richer
they are a much "superior race"
What's in a color?
What's in a face?
What's in a fortune?
What's in success and victory
Why don't we just respect our differences?
Why don't we just accept the cultural diversity?
Why don't we just shut our mouth when we don't have anything good to say anyway?
Why don't we just start being more humane?
If we look at it...
having beautiful facial and body features is given
being smart or intelligent is a gift
being rich is a blessing
belonging in "superior race" is incidental
The only thing we can say as our own, is our personality, our character, our attitude, and how we use what we have to help, love, use, or to destroy people
What on earth are we here for, anyway?
Is this just a meaningless existence...
A cycle of years and hard work?
I think there's an eternity after these all
So I am preparing for that journey beyond
I hope we stop looking down on people because they are "below" our level. I know it's a reality, it's never fair, some people are luckier than others, some are better looking, wiser, more successful...
But can we just treat people as people? After all, who says one is more significant than another?
Picture taken from themorningmagazine.com
Posted by pchi at 10/03/2008 09:08:00 PM 28 comment(s)
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I've been experiencing glitches with my Yahoo mail for three days in a row. I just couldn't open my inbox. If I could, it's short lived. I also get disconnected with Messenger from to time. I cannot check my Mybloglog account.
I am getting a little upset because my ymail contains many of my important files although not too important to attract hackers.
Anybody who has same problems with me? Or is it my PC who has problems? Gmail, Friendster, Blogger works fine. It's just with Yahoo services. Since my default toolbar is Yahoo search... it also doesn't work well.
Any idea why this is so? Please leave me a comment. Thanks :-)
Posted by pchi at 10/01/2008 01:41:00 AM 3 comment(s)
Disclosure Policy of this Blog
This policy is valid from 01 October 2008
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact pchi Dot ss At gmail Dot com.
This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
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The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
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Posted by pchi at 10/01/2008 12:34:00 AM 0 comment(s)
Labels: disclosure policy