Early in the morning, I hear the birds twittering
I am not sure if they're chirping or crying?
It evokes a certain feeling
I wonder that they are talking
Are they feeling the effects of global warming?
There aren't as many trees now as before
We've denuded the forests
We've used trees for buildings, furnitures and paper products
We've built our homes
But we've destroyed these poor creatures' habitat.
If I were an animal, I would choose to be a bird
Birds are a wonder!
They can fly
They can sing
They're very beautiful to look at...
But I think it would be hard to live as a bird
After people have destroyed their habitat.
I hope it isn't too late to help rebuild their habitat.
I feel for the birds -
I think they're desperate for our help.
Photo Credit: here
I feel for the birds
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Posted by pchi at 5/24/2009 01:23:00 AM 5 comment(s)
Shopping conveniently
I've recently discovered the convenience of shopping using catalogs. In fact, I've been buying undergarments just by looking at the pictures on the catalogs. I scan the pages very briskly, flipping from page to page unless a certain style, design, color deserves a closer look.
Although it's still preferable to go and fit the clothing, shoes or apparel before buying - we don't always have the time to do that - hence, the convenience of catalogs...
The advent of information technology has made shopping over the Internet possible as well. There are small individual businesses, auction sites, big online stores where one can find great selections on bags, ladies', mens' and kids' apparel, shoes, jewelry, cosmetics, sporting goods and other products one can find in a real-world department store.
Because of such reason, and many others - I think Internet has been one of the most useful inventions ever developed and one that had changed our lives dramatically.
Posted by pchi at 5/24/2009 12:53:00 AM 0 comment(s)
Labels: apparel, baby, bags, beauty products, clothing, cosmetics, department store, kids, ladies, men, shoes, shopping
Gold! Eureka!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Some people collect coins and bills - not because they're trying to save for something but because they are simply collecting coins and bills for fun!
My father had such hobby before and even had a wide array of coins and paper bills of different currencies. He had copper, bronze, and silver coins but he didn't have gold coins or the even money to buy gold coins.
We wish he did... because gold is one of the most precious metals and also one of the most expensive. Unlike coin or paper currency, the value of gold is not susceptible to deflation or recession. Its price does not depreciate much and so some people buy gold bullions as investment, or for gold IRA transfers.
If we had money, we would have probably bought gold.
Posted by pchi at 5/18/2009 02:12:00 AM 1 comment(s)
Labels: bullion, buying guide, coins, gold, IRA transfer
Taste of "living on my own"
I'm a survivor. I've managed to do everything at home while working. But I just don't find enough time to blog, check updates of my friends, respond to emails and messages, drop at Entrecards widgets, etc. for the past few days.
This is a very humbling experience.
My mother never hired a house help so that we can learn and do our share of household chores by ourselves. But I wasn't forced to cook early in the morning (my mom's), I didn't have to sweep the yard and go to the market (my father's) and sometimes when I am so busy, my mother wouldn't let me bother with the dishes. My main chores are cooking at night, cleaning the house and washing my own clothes as well as the curtains, bed covers, pillow cases, and blankets. If I didn't want to, then I don't have to. Our parents never compelled us; they wanted us to volunteer on our own.
With this experience, I learned to appreciate the "love" my parents have put into the little everyday things they do for us; my mother especially.
I realized that it's hard to live on your own - you don't have anyone to depend to or help you with whatever you have to do.
On the other hand, it's also great to know that I can now take care of myself. I am still learning how to do many things at once though - like cleaning the bathroom while cooking dinner and washing dishes.
Posted by pchi at 5/18/2009 01:42:00 AM 0 comment(s)
Full alert for a week
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I'll be on my own for a week. I'll be guarding our house and our house will be my fortress too.
My parents will be on vacation starting today and will be back exactly one week later. My father is concerned about the security of the house but he's more concerned of my security.
We don't have any defenses except for a gate and locks that keep unauthorized people from entering. How I wish we have a home security system!
If we have an ADT-monitored home, we can have early defense mechanisms for possible threats like burglary or God-forbid - massacre.
I have requested my girl friend to keep me company at night while both my parents are away. But still, I have to cook on my own, do all the house chores on my own. This will be my first taste of "independence".
Well, I am quite anxious about my protection and safety but I know that God is my shepherd and even though we don't have that security system yet, I am secure that God will keep me guarded.
Posted by pchi at 5/13/2009 01:07:00 AM 7 comment(s)
Labels: ADT, home, monitoring, protection, security system
Planning a vacation trip abroad
Monday, May 11, 2009
I got interested in a friend's Skype status message.
It said, "Let's go backpacking in IndoChina!"***
My initial reaction was - whoa! I want that.
So I checked CebuPacific's** online booking website. Unfortunately, they do not have any promos at this time for flights from Manila to Bangkok or Saigon to Manila.
I checked Philippine Airline flight promos**** . They have international econolight promos at $48-58 (back and forth) from Manila to key southeast Asian destinations.
The funny thing is the taxes are much more expensive than the fares.
Now, I am thinking if I should avail of this group tour or should I form my own group and have a tour on our own.
Some people say that it's not good to travel with a travel guide because you have to move from place to place fast, not allowing you to fully enjoy the beauty of each place.
The disadvantage of travelling in an unfamiliar place, on the other hand, is the cost and maybe transportation from place to place. Along the way, natives might abuse your unfamiliarity with the place and ask you exorbitant fees for amenities.
What do you think? Which is better?
** http://www.cebupacificair.com/
*** http://thetravelfactor.multiply.com/calendar/item/10161
**** http://www.philippineairlines.com/fares_and_promos/special_promos/other_promos/pal_econo_light_regional.jsp
Photo Credit: here

Posted by pchi at 5/11/2009 12:39:00 AM 7 comment(s)
Labels: abroad, airline, Asia, plans, promos, tour package, travel
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Looking at the mailboxes on sale at MailboxIxchange.com, reminded me of that time in my life when I exchanged letters with my friends thru what we now call "snail mail".
The postman would shout, "hey pretty, you have letters!" and I would just laugh and say "Thank you, please put them on our mailbox".
That was more than ten years ago.
Currently, I have email addresses where I receive about 20 to 50 messages daily, including the unwanted spams.
I have very few letters these days. I have some bills (telephone, DSL, electricity), bank statements, etc. which do not count as letters anyway. Yet, there's always excitement when I flip open our residential mailbox and I see a letter addressed to me written with a familiar handwriting.
Along with the letters were stickers, scented stationeries, hand-made cards, perfumed enveloped - sealed with kisses. I just miss those times. It's different now because of email and text messaging - but I still love sending and receiving those old-fashioned letters.

Posted by pchi at 5/09/2009 01:35:00 AM 2 comment(s)
Labels: commercial, mailbox, residential
Honestly, am I?
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Honest Scrap Award Rules:
In sum, choose a minimum of 7 blogs that you find brilliant in content or design to pass on this award/tag. list at least ten honest things about yourself.
Thanks sis Marites!
1. I love the colors green and brown.
2. I prefer silver over gold (jewelry).
3. I don't wear make-up and I don't know how it's done. I am currently learning it.
4. I am a frustrated musician.
5. I prefer silence over listening to music.
6. I am hypotensive and anemic.
7. I am nocturnal. I work best at night.
8. I am my parents' spoiled little girl.
9. I like to go to the beach but not to swim but to listen to the waves.
10. I believe in God.
Nominations will be posted later.
Posted by pchi at 5/06/2009 03:07:00 AM 1 comment(s)
Before you choose your web hosting service provider...
A few months ago, I thought of buying a mobile phone because of its superior camera feature - optical zoom and 5 megapixel resolution. Many techies hailed its performance even in low light, however, as I started reading forums and user feedbacks, I realized that it's hard to use and navigate and invoking the superior functionality would take ages before you could unearth them.
Since then, I make it a rule to plan, research and compare; and repeat this process until I am certain with the product or service. It's not advisable to trust your instincts or go with your guts and do impulse buying. It's also not enough to just listen to your friend's recommendation. You should ask another person's opinion - or many others for that matter.
When looking for a dedicated server hosting for your website, get your hands dirty and do your assignment - research, compare, read user feedbacks. Your web host will be crucial to your web site's success and there are issues that you have to consider, such as: security, cost, storage, technical support, etc.
Read guides and check ratings from a web hosting reviews blog, then choose, decide and purchase. Remember that mistakes can be avoided if you pay more attention.
Posted by pchi at 5/06/2009 01:32:00 AM 1 comment(s)
Labels: feedbacks, ratings, reviews, user, web hosting
I promised never to rant or say negative things on this blog. I couldn't help it now. I am really annoyed.
In the Philippines, our presidential election will be on May of next year. Politicians have started their gimmicks and propagandas. I just smirk in disdain when I see advertisements of hopeful presidents or whatever position they are planning to run. I don't say anything at all - I don't want to ruin my mood and thus, I avoid giving rude remarks.
Locally however, there are so many road reconstructions on major highways and these cause delay and traffic.
I traveled almost everyday last year and I didn't realize the roads needed to be repaired - they appeared OK to me. They've never caused accidents or congestions.
The current politicians tend to show off their projects when the election is coming up, like right now. If would have been better if they cemented rough roads in other areas, those which badly needed repair. People wouldn't be able to see these "projects" so they have to destroy the highway and rebuild. Reconstructions on major roads and national highways would be more visible to the voting public, increasing their chances of winning.
I am so tired of the same things these politicians are doing. I couldn't help but complain. Sigh.
Posted by pchi at 5/06/2009 01:09:00 AM 1 comment(s)
Labels: election, may 2009, Philippines, politics
My first award from Ron
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Thanks Ron!
Here are the rules of this award:
The aims of this award:
• As a dedication to those who love blogging and creating friendships through blogging.
• To seek the reasons why we all love blogging!
• Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it
• Don’t forget to mention the person who gave you the award.
• Answer the award’s question by writing the reason why you love blogging in your post.
• Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like.
• Don’t forget to notify the awardees and put their links in your post.
Why do I love blogging?
I have repetitively mentioned my reasons before in this blog:
- Blogging is my self-expression. It's where I bare my soul, share my ideals, elaborate my opinions and write my random thoughts.
- I see blogging as a means to improve and harness my writing skills, learn from other people and as a journey towards creating good, quality blog posts.
- Blogging as a source of extra income - I've written how to generate money online using your skills.
- Blogging is a stepping stone to an Internet business that I want to venture out eventually. As of now, I read success stories, tips and encouragements from other bloggers and other people who have invaded the cyber space with flying colors. I am a newbie so I don't know much about the game, I blog and read as a spectator.
- Winning friends, sharing experiences, being able to reach out to other people around the globe are just some of the blessings that come with blogging. Isn't it great that despite the distance, the language barrier and differences in beliefs, cultures and way of lives - we can connect to various people and make friends with them?

Posted by pchi at 5/05/2009 02:24:00 AM 3 comment(s)
Labels: blogging award, tags
Looking for a satellite TV?
For example, you can get a Direct TV of premium movies, sports and international channels. without having to pay for the charge of HD or DVR if you don't really want them. A direct satellite TV would also provide you access to all local channels in your area.
Posted by pchi at 5/05/2009 01:48:00 AM 0 comment(s)
April's Top Ten EC droppers
Monday, May 4, 2009
Thank you to all who are consistently checking this blog - even though I couldn't even check on my own. I'd like to thank each one and special mention to the following:
Work at Home
Traders Hub
My Review
Kids' toys
I learn online marketing
Travel on the tide
Welcome to Bob's blog
They say
As a way of gratitude, I have requested an advertisement on their blogs' EC widget. Thank you.
Posted by pchi at 5/04/2009 03:29:00 AM 0 comment(s)
Labels: april, top ten ec droppers
Cutting edge advantage of an ethical hacker
Sunday, May 3, 2009
When people know that I took up Computer Science in college, they would ask, "Do you know how to hack?" and I give different responses depending on how seriously the question is addressed to me.
First, I clarify their notion of hacking - most people think hacking is stealing information online by means of injection or tweaking of some codes to a software, system or website; probably by using some keylogger softwares (like my friends do) or any other means to permeate into such systems even without one's own access/login information. This notion is quite right as even Mr. Webster defines hacker as: "a person who illegally gains access to and sometimes tampers with information in a computer system."
My idea of a hacking is quite different. In my life of work, it's a very good skill; a skill that many programmers or even IT specialists don't have. The results are sloppy codes and programs that are very easy to penetrate. Hacking is a specialization; requires conscientiously studying IT Security issues. If you're good at it, you can imagine possible entry points where hackers can break into and can thus create mechanisms to strengthen your system.
Just recently, my cousin sought my help. Somebody was using her email address as a login information in one of the popular social networking sites and just realized it when she would be notified of some updates of that person's profile. I did some investigative work and realizing the culprit was easy - it did not require me much work. There was this young, 16 year old, Indonesian girl using my cousin's email address. No harm was done yet - her face on her pictures looked so innocent but I don't know her reason to use my cousin's email account when she can create one.
Hacking is a skill you can learn - although most good hackers don't need to go to school to learn it, EC-Council provides instructed-assisted study of Ethical Hacking. They also provide classes
on Security Fundamentals, Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Computer Forensics , Disaster Recovery and Secure Programming.
A good hacker is an asset to an IT company and can earn big professional fee. I remember a story of a very talented artist, he can replicate money so well that it would look so real. One day, he was hungry and decided to buy something from a store - using a $20 that he painted. When the paper got wet, the paint washed off and the store owner notified the police. He was jailed and it was there that the story ended. Poor guy - if he only used his skills in a good way, he would have earned millions.

Photo Credit: CartoonStock
Posted by pchi at 5/03/2009 04:10:00 PM 2 comment(s)
Labels: computer, hacker, hacking, how to, IT, learn, security
Six Unimportant Things that Make me Happy =)
Tagged by Berry
The rules are:
1. Mention the person who nominated you.
2. List 6 unimportant things that make you happy.
3. Tag 6 blogs, state the rules, and notify them with a teeny comment on their blog.
1. Jackets - I bought four last December and although I wouldn't be able to use them often, I smile when I see them.
2. Fabric conditioners - I like my clothes soft and fragrant. I rinse them in a water solution with a fabric conditioner after washing. It does wonders on neutralizing odor caused by sweat and I feel so fresh. I love it!
3. Milk - I am not a kid anymore - and I can even have my own if I want to, but I still drink my glass of milk everyday. A glass of milk a day keeps osteoporosis away. Doctors say it's best to deposit calcium into one's body before one turns 25 because the body's ability to absorb this mineral will diminish with age. I think milk also keeps the skin soft and supple.
4. Laptop - I don't have one and I don't really need one. My boyfriend promised to give me and although I wouldn't want to rely on him for me to have one, I think it would be great a have a sleek, lightweight and high-end laptop.
5. Branded underwear (blush) - I realized that it is true that women should invest in a good quality, good material brassieres and panties. They fit perfectly, feel more comfortable and you wouldn't be ashamed if ever you would suddenly get into an accident and nurses would change your clothes.
6. We've recently had our medals framed and looking at them gives me a great sense of pride and happiness. Now I am thinking of requesting an artist friend to sketch all of us siblings in our togas and sablays together in one portrait.
Tagging: Rose, Stacey, Gagay, Junald, Nanay Belen, Meiyah
Posted by pchi at 5/03/2009 10:03:00 AM 1 comment(s)
Labels: tags