I got interested in a friend's Skype status message.
It said, "Let's go backpacking in IndoChina!"***
My initial reaction was - whoa! I want that.
So I checked CebuPacific's** online booking website. Unfortunately, they do not have any promos at this time for flights from Manila to Bangkok or Saigon to Manila.
I checked Philippine Airline flight promos**** . They have international econolight promos at $48-58 (back and forth) from Manila to key southeast Asian destinations.
The funny thing is the taxes are much more expensive than the fares.
Now, I am thinking if I should avail of this group tour or should I form my own group and have a tour on our own.
Some people say that it's not good to travel with a travel guide because you have to move from place to place fast, not allowing you to fully enjoy the beauty of each place.
The disadvantage of travelling in an unfamiliar place, on the other hand, is the cost and maybe transportation from place to place. Along the way, natives might abuse your unfamiliarity with the place and ask you exorbitant fees for amenities.
What do you think? Which is better?
** http://www.cebupacificair.com/
*** http://thetravelfactor.multiply.com/calendar/item/10161
**** http://www.philippineairlines.com/fares_and_promos/special_promos/other_promos/pal_econo_light_regional.jsp
Photo Credit: here

7 comment(s):
Group tour would be fun. There is that saying " The more the merrier" right?. Well, locals abusing the unfamiliarity of foreigners is a given, so you really have to research in advance about the places you plan to visit. =)
Sounds like this place has some great prices. I'd love to take a trip to a foreign country and enjoy the culture. Thanks for the info and for stopping by my place.
ok pala pag may promo super cheap ang fare.
thanks for the greeting. take care.
Group tour is fun and much safer if you don't know much about the language of the place of your destination. Ask the group tour's itinerary and schedule so you can better decide which one has the better price. One more thing, you can do more if your arrival at the place is in the morning.
btw, i got a tag for you here
PAL is still the best when it comes to comfort of travelling although medo mahal!
I've heard about this promo yesterday from another blogger and I agree Cebu Pacific's rates have gone low.
However, there are a lot of complaints about their service - primarily on lost baggages.
If you want to travel on that airline then ingat na lang.
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