Last year, I shared to you that my boyfriend had been planning to work abroad for our future.
Many of you shared your thoughts when I brought up the dilemma on whether I too, should marry him earlier than planned and go with him in a foreign land to work.
Well, my boyfriend left last Wednesday while I stayed behind. I could not go with him because he chose a job in KSA where there are very few job opportunities for women. For the four to five years that we've been together, this is the first time we are apart.
We took as many photographs together before he left. We captured those wacky moments full of laughter, our long walks at the shoreline, trips to the mall, his visits at my home. We also had a picture-taking session at a local studio. The problem is they're too numerous to print! Surely there is a better way.
Soon enough, I found Ceiva digital photo frames. Basically, it is an 8-inch high definition LCD screen (with a frame of course) that will display a slideshow of your photos direct from your phone. You just need to connect your phone to it using a data cable and it will work even without computer or internet connection. The best thing is that they have a running promo and it's only $29.99 with free ground shipping until February 13th.
Gotta hurry before the promo ends. I wonder, is shipping really free even in the Middle East?
Pictures to ease the loneliness of being apart
Friday, January 30, 2009
Posted by pchi at 1/30/2009 01:54:00 AM 20 comment(s)
Do something radical!
Just a borrowed title.
I try to read my Bible everyday and to make it easier I bought a devotional guide book. There's a short article that discusses the Scripture being presented.
Well, I was struck because basically I've made many deliberate sins the devotional guide for today listed. It mentioned:
- refusing to forgive/having hatred for a person for several days
- lying, some form of addiction
- succumbing to temptation/lust
- choosing not to go to church
- not supporting the local church financially
- deliberately doing anything above many times
- trying to cover up anything listed above
This is something I really decided to deal in my life. I never know until when I will live. It's better to be prepared, settle things with my Creator and do something radical before I run out of time.

Posted by pchi at 1/30/2009 12:53:00 AM 2 comment(s)
Labels: devotion, notes, radical, religion, spirituality
Bankrupcy records in the US available to the online public
An online database allows people to obtain bankruptcy records of all states in the US. With a few clicks and information, you can have easy access to those files and documents using the US Bankruptcy Records. Isn’t it convenient to just fill in the text boxes with the either the name of the person, or business name, address if known and it will search the records for you?
Posted by pchi at 1/30/2009 12:34:00 AM 2 comment(s)
Labels: bankruptcy, documents, records, search, US
NewsBreak: I couldn't believe my eyes
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
A woman gave birth to a set of octuplets babies after caesarian operation.
Gosh. I'm terrified with one and she's had eight!
We'll I wish I could have twins but thought it would be hard to nurse both babies.
Well, this is a sensational news so I am sure you have already read or watched it on TV.
If you haven't, please check this link.
Photo credit: here
HAHA. I am busy actually. I just couldn't believe this news. I can't stop myself from giving my reaction. Well, babies are blessings. I wish the new parents of the live octuplets well.
Posted by pchi at 1/28/2009 12:14:00 AM 7 comment(s)
Under renovation - please check back soon!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Posted by pchi at 1/25/2009 02:07:00 PM 4 comment(s)
Labels: notes
Need to update my guide in women's fashion
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Do you know that I am a frustrated, trying hard seamstress?
I actually love sewing clothes and knitting fabrics by hand and by using a machine. I have been studying the fashion trend forecast for summer so I could come up with my own designs. Who knows I might open an online store one of these days.
There are so many considerations though. I realized it when I checked an online shopping guide for women's fashion. Each woman has a different shape and body type. I also need to choose the material whether it's cotton, nylon, polyester, silk, satin, or a combination of those.
For now, I'll chill out on the beach and don those swimsuits! Oh, I don't have any yet. Hehe. I need to check a swimsuit buying guide first.

Posted by pchi at 1/22/2009 01:18:00 AM 11 comment(s)
Labels: fashion, forecast, summer, swimsuit, trend, wear, women
And the winner is...
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Every now and then, we receive life's priceless prizes.
A hug from a little kid. A smile from a baby. A compliment from a parent. A thank you from a son or daughter. A kiss from a partner. A sincere greeting from a friend.
All these things seem simple and ordinary. But do you know that they're the best things in life - those which are freely given. How do you imagine your life without such? Let's be grateful for these simple things and be gracious with giving these to others. A smile, a hug, a peek on the cheek, or even an earnest "how are you?" can make another person's day worthwhile.
Don't we all need recognition and appreciation?

Posted by pchi at 1/21/2009 12:59:00 AM 8 comment(s)
Labels: award, basketball, corporate, furniture store, gymnastics, online, plaque, recognition, trophy
Trophies for all sorts of occasions
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Recently, I watched a TV show that featured a sports celebrity who had accumulated different kinds of trophies of different sizes - bagged from competitions here and abroad.
I wish I could be like that man, boasting all of his awards, displaying everything on that TV show.
Coincidentally, I've come across a website that offers different kinds of awards, plaques, medals and yes, trophies. I thought in my mind, it might be possible to buy myself some of those beautiful awards just for fun! (Evil grin =D>). I'd have to climb the corporate ladder to have a corporate award but this site offers customization for a reasonable price. Maybe I can buy some basketball trophies for my boyfriend and a gymnastics trophy for my bestfriend too! That would be so cool. Take a look!
On second thought, that must be a very silly thought. For one thing, I think they only accept bulk orders. Second, I don't really need a trophy. I am contented with my simple life afterall - I am not great but I am happy.

Posted by pchi at 1/20/2009 03:56:00 PM 0 comment(s)
Labels: award, basketball, corporate, gymnastics, trophies, trophiesales, trophy
Nothing sensible comes out
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Fifth time to try.
Unable to click the publish button.
Start from scratch again.
Thinking of words to say
Nothing sensible comes out.
What's the matter?
Nothing really.
It's just one of those times when
I'm at loss for words
And nothing sensible comes out.
My mind is not blank.
I have many things running in my head
It hurts badly enough
Trying to squeeze my mind searching for things to say
Still nothing sensible comes out.
Am I stressed? No, I don't think so.
Forlorn? No, it's not that.
Too happy? No, not really
It's just one of those times when I try so hard
Until I give up because nothing sensible comes out
Photo credit: here
Posted by pchi at 1/14/2009 12:56:00 AM 19 comment(s)
Resolutions tag - solved!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
- worry less
- smile/laugh more often
- stick to the budget/plan the expenses
- pray and have devotionals more consistently
- write more often here (?)
New year award from Rob (thanks!)
New year award from Kikamz (thanks sis)
- You must be a true lover of the New Year to receive this award. The person to whom you give the award must also be in love with the New Year.
- Post at least five New Year’s Resolutions. If you can’t limit it to five, then continue until you go out of space.
- Pass the award along to as many bloggers as you like.
- Let your recipients know that you have tagged them by leaving a comment on their site. Also, link back to the person who gave you the award.
Feel free to grab too if you want and leave a message/comment for me to update your link.

Posted by pchi at 1/07/2009 06:46:00 PM 12 comment(s)
Labels: 2009, new year, resolutions
Complete me from A to Z
Procrastination is one thing that I am struggling to wrestle-free from and so I've decided to make the tag Bing has passed to me. Thanks sis! This tag is fun but there are just very few choices. I thought of making my own questions... :D anyway, here's the original set of questions.
A -Attached or Single? - legally unbound but emotionally attached (what?)
B -Best Friend? - mom, my bf
C-Cake or pie? - cake! weeeh :D
D -Day of choice? - Wednesday (I was born on a Wednesday)
E -Essential item? - toothbrush - need it after every meal (to clean my braces)
F -Favorite Color? - green (can green be a wedding motif?)
G -Gummy Bears or Worms? - neither
H -Hometown? - Panabo City
I -Indulgence? - food
J -June or July? - July
K -Kids ? - none yet (can I have twins? one boy, one girl)
L -Life is not complete w/o -God
M -Marriage date? - not set yet (haha)
N- Number of magazine subscriptions? none
O -Orange or apple?- orange
P -Phobias? - it's not a phobia but my greatest fear is losing a loved one (death, missing)
Q -Quotes? - Remember your Creator in the days of your youth
R -Reason to smile? - I am surrounded by the favor of the Lord always and forever
S-Season of choice? -Summer (no choice) it's summer all year round!
T -Tag 5 people - Mykts, Nyl, Dessie, Siella, Mharms
U -Unknown fact about me- cannot swim (now you know but not afraid of the sea)
V -Vegetable? - let me see... my mom says she liked eating egplants when she was conceiving me
W -Worst habit? - I cry when I'm angry
X -Xray or ultrasound? - ultrasound
Y -Your favorite foods? - desserts
Z -Zodiac sign - Virgo
Photo credit: here

Posted by pchi at 1/07/2009 06:33:00 PM 5 comment(s)
Help me, I am brainstorming for ideas!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Life is continually stirred by problems, but when God is set before us, we cannot be shaken!
I just feel like saying that because may people are worrying these days and I want to cheer them up. Are your worried about problems even when they didn't happen yet?
A friend offered me a web hosting plan and I am thinking of starting an entirely new blog instead of hosting this blog in its own domain.
I have another blog about technology, Internet, products and websites review but I didn't write much in that blog or had many links for that. It's easier to talk about my thoughts or opinions than make reviews over products and services here. I didn't have to research but plainly express what I think over an issue or something.
So, what do you think will be a good topic for me to talk about in my own domain?
I am thinking of writing daily meditations or devotionals. I want to write everyday so if I create a blog, I need to keep posting everyday and that would somehow give me motivation to write daily.
Another idea is to write about my journey to adulthood - and talk about women's interest.
I should be sleeping now. I will be working again tomorrow after a loooong holiday. Please help me by giving ideas on what to write about. Thank you.

Posted by pchi at 1/05/2009 12:29:00 AM 14 comment(s)
Top Ten EC Droppers
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Entrecard has been helping out my daily traffic and these people have consistently showed support to my site. In gratitude, I'd like to thank these 10 people. Please check out their sites.
Make Money Online
Bingo Games and Women Community
Merydith's Place
Wonderful Things in Life
Online Social Networking
Sassy Black Friend
Nuke it dot org
Technology Insanity
Pepper Spray, Stun Guns, and Tasers… Oh My!
To all my friends who didn't make it to the list but have been visiting this page every now and then, thank you too.
May 2009 be more wonderful for all of us!
Posted by pchi at 1/03/2009 03:19:00 PM 8 comment(s)
Labels: ED droppers, entrecard, top ten
Rarejob: A leader in providing Japanese people speaking opportunities in English
Friday, January 2, 2009
After the world war II, Japan was in shambles. It drove the survivors to make big families and the family men to work harder than oxes. In time, the cooperative efforts paid off and slowly Japan rose to the ranks and even exceeded expectations as it took hold of the second most powerful economic position in the world. It has also preserved most of its culture and traditions until this day.
There's a change however, that Japanese people needed to make; a decision that many Japanese people had to do. They must learn English - 'cause that's the only way they can remain competitive in the global market and retain their dominance especially in the field of electronic innovations and car industry. They also need to connect to the civilizations other than their own and reach out to other nationalities by speaking the language that is understood by all nations.
The Japanese government did recognize that English is the international language so it is being taught in Junior High School, High School and in the university. However, this is not enough since after graduation from school, the Japanese people barely have practical experiences to use the language in a real-life setting especially with foreigners unless they have the opportunity to travel, visit or live abroad. This makes retention and learning English harder for Japanese than other people from other countries who are also learning English as a second language. Everybody in Japan speaks the native tongue and there are not many foreign tourists. Even if they've learned English in school, they are doomed to forget what they've learned until they get to speak and use the language to communicate to other people on a regular basis.
Tomahisa Kato, the CEO of the company, saw this need and brought it into realization. He was very hesitant to put it up in the beginning 'cause as we all know, starting a business is hard, difficult and unpredictable. He was earning a good pay as a management consultant and it was hard to trade that off with something he wasn't sure would click. He, together with Gaku Nakamura, the Chief Technical Officer - started out an online company by offering English lessons to Japanese people - especially to businessmen who have to take TOEIC test or conferences and business trips abroad. The company moreover, caters students from all ages - as long as they can speak and understand basic English (since most of the teachers can't speak Nihonggo). As a company strategy, they only employ University of the Philippines students and alumni, the premiere state university of the Philippines where they can be sure of the intellectual capacity and speaking ability of the teachers. As the company expands - the management deems the need to hire people from other universities but is securing measures to evaluate applicants.
As a quality assurance measure, the company trains the tutors before they start working. The students also get to evaluate their tutors' performances. These are very important for both parties - for the teacher to improve and for the student to have the kind of lesson that he/she deserves.
"How does the online school operate?", you may ask since the company is based in Tokyo, Japan and the teachers are in the Philippines or all over the world. The lessons are conducted through Skype, a video-messaging application so both parties only need to have PCs and stable Internet connection. The students reserve lesson slots with the tutors they prefer. One lesson slot is 25 minutes and the students can choose to have one, two, three, four lesson slots per day according to their agreement with the management. The available lesson hours are only from 8 PM-12 midnight (Philippine time) or 9 PM-1 AM (Japan time) on weekdays and additional lesson schedule from 8AM-12 noon on weekends. The tutors are paid through bank transfers made by the Filipino staffs in Diliman, Quezon City and Los BaƱos, Laguna.
The current statistics of the company is 400+ tutors and 5000+ students strong. The company started in November 2007 and is growing rapidly. It is the number one online English school in Japan and was even featured in Japanese television. I am happy to be part of this company as it surely developed my teaching, social, interpersonal and communication skills as well as my professionalism. Teaching English is actually learning English also - because there are just to many vocabularies to learn, idioms to get familiar with, grammar rules to master, stories and news articles to read and topics to discuss. It's also great to meet different kinds of people with varied fields of interests from all ages. It's fun and I am loving it.
Thank you to my RareJob family. I don't know how long I will stay but this experience is something that I will always be grateful for and will never forget.
--- Not a sponsored post ----
P.S. If you're from UP and you wish to apply, contact me at my email (check my profile) and check this RareJob teachers' home page. Don't forget to mention me as your referrer. HAHA.