I don't know if I have lost the ability to write, I've been trying to come up with articles, wishing to write more often; but I often find myself staring blankly at the piece of paper or transfixed at the monitor with nothing coming out my mind.
Dear friends,
I would like to announce a few things.
First, please be informed that I've already removed my Cyber explorations blog after three months of dormancy. If you have linked Cyber-Pchi, kindly update your list and remove that non-existent link. I guess I should leave it to others to talk about technology. I could not catch up with how fast the technology is changing.
On the other hand, I've decided to start another blog from scratch, under my own domain, using the WordPress platform and to be hosted by Kuya Louie of
DavaoPress and
Freedom of Expression. I have a tentative domain name "
OrdinaryPeoplesTales.com", which will feature stories of common, ordinary or sometimes neglected people in our society. I hope to be doing part-journalism, part-blogging for this website. I'll interview people, post their pictures (if they permit it) and write their stories. I might also feature interesting stories of other bloggers. Guest writers will also be welcome to contribute.(Still busy to materialize this though)
I need to change this blog's template too. I've received make-over offers but I still don't have enough time to get my hands dirty and get down to business. I shouldn't have announced this, should have kept quiet and just present results without any promises. Someone has said, "more words, more mistakes".
Careerwise, I have decided to go back to school in June or October of this year. I might shift to another field though like get a diploma and certification for an entirely new degree, or get a masters degree? We'll let's see whichever is better.
How is Pchi after boyfriend left two months ago? I am keeping myself busy so I won't miss him so much. I am so busy so many work assignments that I could not get back to blogging. I am doing this so my mind is always preoccupied with something productive rather than idling time away just thinking of him or counting the days until his return. I send him text messages everyday so he won't feel homesick. Sometimes though. I just let the tears from falling - I mean it's normal, right? Yes, I miss him and I realize that tears are streaking dowm my face now. Well, I am busy. I have many things to do.
By the way, Kuya Louie is offering hosting plans for two more websites at an affordable price. Please drop me a line if you want to grab it.