Man toils in hard labor to live but life losses its meaning when all one does is just work, work, work; an endless, tiring, meaningless routine of work, work, work.
Don't we all work so we can feed ourselves and have fun? A day job, a night job, weekend part-time job and paid posts assignments in blogging are putting much pressure on my mind.
I am not complaining. I am enjoying my jobs. They make me fulfilled and they have gained me financial independence. I also know that the world is in global financial problem and many people are out of job. I realized I've been burning my candle at both ends though, pushing my limit grabbing all possible opportunities just to have more extra income. It's entirely crazy however, because even if I get more income, I end up spending money on doctors' fees and medicines anyway.
Why do I need much money anyway? How much do I need to be contented?
Financial independence? financial security? needs? wants? savings? charity? vacations? in preparation for retirement? investment for pensions?
I don't need much. There's no such thing as financial security, even if a person has a stable income now, there's no assurance that one will continue to have it until old age. We live because God continues to shower us with blessings, provides our needs and allows us to enjoy what we have worked hard.
As a Christian, I believe God does not leave any room for chance and that everything that happens, happen for a reason and God is in full control of everything. In one of his sermons, our preacher expressed his thoughts why the big economies have "fallen". He said that in the American dollar it is inscribed, "In God we trust." However, because of feelings of greatness and independence from God, God may have caused the US and other biggest economies to stumble. I don't agree or disagree, that's just his opinion anyway, and everyone is entitled to express his own ideas.
Even God rested on the seventh day. Don't we all should do the same?
I thought I needed a break and that's exactly what I did. A time to reconsider, to reflect and to ponder and evaluate how I am managing the time, talent and treasure (money) that God has given me.
Sometimes, the love of money and the desire to acquire more can get in the way and cloud our perspectives to see the things that really matter in life. The Bible reminds us not to store riches in this world where it can just be stolen or destroyed. We have to invest our time on things that matters most, like relationship with our family, or friends and especially for eternity. We have to have a steady, functioning, intimate relationship with God, who has caused all things to work for our good.
Next post: about my retreat, hot spring, swimming, steam bath, gold mining experience and two days stay at a rural community.