I've been tagged by ate Iceah. Would you believe I am actually an introvert after I answer this tag? Actually, I am... and I am not very comfortable with sharing my soul to everybody, let alone strangers. But that's exactly what I am doing for these past few posts.
Anyway, change is good... isn't it?
1. Add your blog/s to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs. It’s okey if you only post this questions in one blog as long as you answer them.
2. Get back to this girl --> {
YEN} and she’ll add your blogs to the master’s list
HERE! Note that you are not ALLOWED to change the link here.
3. Copy from Start to End.
4. Tag as many friends online you know. But you don’t need to be tagged in order to join.
Copy this Participants List: Me and Mine | Creative in Me | For the LOVE of Food | Little Peanut | Pea in a Pod | It’s Where the HEART Is | Around the World | SugarMagnolias | I Am Mommy | All About The Memories | Enchanted Play | Just My Scrap | Whats Up | Simply Me | Kitchen Deelite | A Mothers Horizon | In Depth | A Life in Bloom | Because Life is a Blessing | Digiscraptology | Joys iN life | Life is What we Make it | Photo Blog | Dancing in Midlife Tune | Pinay Mommy Online | Mommy Earns Money Online | Blessings and Beyond | Posh Post Reviews | Flowersbythewayside |The Fab and The Furious | Common Sense is Not So Common | Caffeinated Muse | Purpled Sky | Chicken Heart |
Pchi's Opinions |
Birth date:
August 26
Panabo, Davao
Current Location:
Panabo/Davao City
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Righty or Lefty:
Your heritage:
100% pinoy - I just wonder why my father has blue eyes?
The shoes you wore today:
no shoes, I work at home
Your weakness:
Your fears:
death of a loved one without assurance of salvation
Your perfect pizza:
overloaded with toppings... but not so oily please
Goal you’d like to achieve in life:
career: be a counselor/lawyer
personal: just to fulfil God's purpose in my life... serve Him, help and build relationships with people, a lasting marriage and raise God-fearing kids
Your most overused phrase on IM:
by the way
Your first waking thoughts:
what time is it?
Your best physical feature:
my eyes
Your most missed memory:
childhood... so innocent yet so happy
Pepsi or Coke:
no soft drinks please
McDonald’s or Burger King:
no fastfoods as much as possible
Single or group dates:
Adidas or Nike:
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:
ice tea gives me migraine, thanks
Chocolate or vanilla:
chocolate, migraine inducing too...
Cappuccino or coffee:
cappuccino, if i want migraine
A famous person, dead or alive, that you would interview:
mother teresa
Movie you can watch and say the lines along with the actors:
ice age2
Name two of your passions in life:
teaching, writing
Least favorite time of day:
morning... I'm a night person
Hairspray or gel:
Your favorite meal:
healthy -> meat/fish + vegetables + rice + tropical fruit + water
Color you see when you close your eyes:
nothing... black is not a color... it's the absence of light
Listen to classical music:
why not?
Ever said LOL in real life without thinking about it: