Of actualizing dreams and building homes

Thursday, September 8, 2011

A family is never complete without a home. A shelter for everyone to stay to be safe under any type of weather. So, on our first year of marriage, we've set a goal to be able to build our own house within two years. Hopefully, through God's grace we will be able to do so.

However, money doesn't just grow on trees. We work for it and spend a lot of it. My husband makes money by designing houses, commercial buildings, roads, highways and bridges. He creates and brings to completion other people's dreams. I also work. We work together to build our home and the realization of our dreams.

Most people spend their lifetime paying for their mortgage. Although a house is a dead investment since you can't make money out of it (except of course, if you lease or let others rent it), almost everyone invests in one. Then, why not make it last for a lifetime? That means making sure the strength of the materials is reliable and everything is durable. While low cost building materials save money at first, however, in the long run, they'd need more maintenance and repairs which end up making us spend more money.

That's why we need to save more - to make sure we'd be able to erect a house that is at par with the standards.

My husband invests in professional equipment from drawing pens to steel tape to moisture meters to engineering software, quality that stands the test of time is very important.  He realized moisture meters are very important  in houses since moisture can affect the stability of wood, bricks, roofs and other materials. Being able to address moisture issues early on can save the household of the dangers that could potentially arise.

The design, cost and furnishings of a house are secondary. What's important is the safety and protection it can provide to everyone in the family.

We'd hope to have one soon!

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